Contact Us
This must be one of my favorite sections of the website! This is the area where you can compile your own unique blog piece and offer it for submission to this site. As a writer myself, I have over the years struggled to find a quality website to submit my work to, so I have worked tirelessly to ensure this is an exciting and hassle-free area that anybody interested in contributing to can do so with the minimum amount of fuss.
If you would love to be a part of the journey, please contact me using the contact form below for further details on this fantastic opportunity.
Write and Publish Your Post Here
I am looking for the most interesting, informative and relevant guest blog posts that I can possibly find on the internet! My readers want to access reading material that is up-to-date, easy to understand but most certainly offers something of value during the reading experience. Do you know of a current trend doing the rounds online, have you found an honest way to make money online or have you tried and tested a new gadget before its release date, and you just can’t wait to tell everyone about it? Whatever your reason for writing a blog post, if it conveys some form of expertise, knowledge or advice, I am keen to hear what your article has to offer the community.
Current Topics of Interest to visitors
Now, I am currently working on offering the following categories on the website:
- Blogging
- Gadgets and Electronics
- Lifestyle Tips
- Personal Finance
- Make Money Online
- Psychology
- Motivation
- Relationships
- Video Games
- World Wide Web
This list has been compiled through taking a closer look at the search figures of visitors who come to this website. It, therefore, reflects the types of article subjects that people tend to look for the most on However, because I know how trends and indeed tastes change, I am always revising this list and looking to add to it when the need arises, so it is a good idea to keep an eye on this section of the website for potential updates.
Alternatively, if you are still unsure if your blog post will fit into any of these categories, please don’t dismiss it. Instead get in touch with me, and we can discuss its potential. You never know, you may just be the person who adds yet another category to the above list!
Sample Article Titles for Guest Posts
I tend to get regular requests from members of the community asking me about titles for their articles. I have therefore come up with a couple of titles that are most widely searched for and which I feel give you an idea and basic grounding as to the types of articles that the website is keen to see more of:
- How Do the More Successful of People Motivate Themselves?
- What Are the Top Trending Gadgets of The Season?
- How Can I Derive Inspiration from The Art of Blogging?
- How to Keep the Motivation Going When You Work from Home
- How to Go Paperless and Thoroughly Utilize the Online Experience
Who Can Write for My Website?
As a writer myself, I have a vast experience of trying to find a reputable website to submit my work to. Because of this understanding, I have concluded that it is not about who you are, but what you know when you submit to I am not interested in your credentials or any possible writing qualification. That is not what this community is about. I am merely interested in your opinion through the written word.
I hope that everyone who visits this website will feel as though they are able to submit their own words for inclusion to the site at any given time. I firmly believe that if you feel passionate about a subject or have some advice which you honestly think would benefit others, then that is all that you need to be able to compile a blog post. I don’t want you to get distracted by grammar, paragraphs, and commas, I merely wish to read about what you have to offer the community.
Why Contribute to My Blog?
By offering the website and its readers a well-constructed and thought-provoking blog post, it is only right that you be acknowledged for your well-intentioned input! I, therefore, make it a rule that anybody who writes for this website is credited and their name will appear pride of place next to their blog piece. I also like to add a small bio of the author and mention a link back to their social media account where possible. This way I believe you get the attention you so thoroughly deserve for contributing to this progressive community.
Ultimately, by submitting to this website, I hope you develop a confidence from seeing your words on the screen and that this encourages you to write more! That feeling you get when you have your first piece published is at times beyond words, and I would love for you to be able to experience that thrill of getting your written words out there for the broader community and online world to access.
How to Submit a Guest Post to My Blog
Just as I don’t want you to become too distracted with your writing presentation, I also do not want you to worry about the submission process of Therefore, I have worked to ensure that this part is the easiest and, once you have sent me your completed article, I will take care of the rest.
If you would prefer to get in touch with me first regarding your potential ideas for a blog post, I would be more than happy to offer you some guidance on your next steps. However, if you have written up your blog post already and want to access my advice, get in touch with me as soon as you can, and I will go through it all with you.
For anything related to the subject of blog guest posts, you can access my help directly through the contact form below. Either way, I look forward to hearing your ideas.